Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Flash mobs

Maybe it's because I'm planning to marry someone who's worked as a dance teacher for much of her life, but I've always really been intrigued by the idea of a flash mob. Not so much being IN one (though I wouldn't rule it out), but just seeing them. Or just liking the idea. I'm really not sure.

Lo and behold, today, while eating a burrito over by the Arden Fair Mall, I witnessed a small flash mob. I was enjoying some lunch with a couple of fellow insurance guys, when Justin Bieber's "Baby" started blasting mid-bite, and I turn around to see a group of mothers dancing around with their small children and strollers. Pretty interesting thing to see.

Putting on my insurance guy hat for a second though, that type of thing must driver building or property management crazy. 20+ people suddenly breaking into dance, involving things on wheels? I'm pretty sure your liability risk just went up a ton.

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