Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Holiday Reboot

It's about that time of year again! Being a commission-based insurance guy, any type of day off is a rarity for me. In the past two years, I've taken a single sick day, and only the sporadic vacation day.

The end of December, however, is an exception.

Every year, I take the last few weeks to recharge the insurance guy batteries, so to speak. Mainly, the timing of this is just due to the fact that no one actually wants to talk about insurance during this type of year. But, of course, I have various holiday gatherings to attend as well. Whatever the reasoning, the end result is the same: it's time for some much-needed time off.

So for those of you looking for your friendly neighborhood insurance advisor, you're likely better off searching hole-in-the-wall restaurants in the area. You likely won't see me around the deep, dark insurance mines for the rest of the year.

Until we meet again, have a great holiday season! May the rest of your year be filled with family gatherings, friends and of course, great food.

1 comment:

Awesome Wordage said...

We should hang out! Pat and I both have the next two weeks off. Let's explore some new tastes of Sacramento!