Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Of Bake Sales and Insurance

You wouldn't really think of an insurance office as a place for a bake sale, but hey, you probably don't think of food when you think insurance at all! As the title of my blog may indicate, I love both food AND insurance. It turns out I also love a good cause!

Every year since I've joined up with my current company, I've helped to raise money for the American Cancer Society leading up to their walk in Sacramento each October. It's a great cause that I was turned onto by a co-worker of mine who is a breast cancer survivor. I had never really taken notice of a particular cause up until I happened to meet her, but she's a fantastic woman, and I can't imagine that I'd have taken in all of the knowledge and experience that I have if I didn't have the opportunity to work with her. Now I do what I can each year to help contribute to a cause that she cares deeply about!

So with October coming up shortly, the charity bake sales start up again. So in addition to my normal insurancely-duties, I'll also be baking and hustling all over my building to sell delicious baked goods every other Friday.

You knew it was coming, but here comes the pitch: I'll be taking contributions of baked goods. Any monies taken in from their sales go directly to the American Cancer Society. The first bake sale will be on Friday, September 16th.

On my end, I'm thinking I'll likely go simple with some Rice Crispy squares, but I might get a little fancy and try something like Amish Friendship Bread, or a cake, or something wild like that. I don't bake a ton, but for a good cause, I'll give things a shot.


Awesome Wordage said...

Now is this bake sale for everyone, or just employees? Meaning, can I go to such a sale and spend large amounts of money on fattening and delicious things? I can probably maybe make something, too, like peanut butter cup cookies or some crazy brownie creation, but it might be hard to get it out of the house before Pat eats it all.

Susan said...

do you consider our consumption when rating us for life insurance? lol!! okay, seriously.....are you walking? I was at the kick off breakfast and was really inspired. too bad they tell you so late that my month is already packed!

SactoFoodAndInsurance said...

It's mainly for employees, but we have people stop in from time to time if they know someone, etc. The only tricky part is that I'll be wandering around the building with a cart full of goodies, so it's tough to track me down.

And Susan, luckily, they must not! I eat like crazy and they still think I'm health for some reason. And yes! I walk every year. I even went last year, and that was the day before I left for a vacation overseas!