Just like with cars, clothing, or for folks like myself, food and insurance, people are always willing to spend a little more for certain things. They'll pay more for quality, or for a specialty item, or for an awesome personal agent (wink wink, nudge nudge). In my case, one of the things I'll splurge on is cookware.
My recent obsession has been with Le Creuset cookware. Non-stick stuff drives me batty since it gets damaged so easily and in the long-run, you can potentially endanger your food and your own health if the non-stick materials start to flake or if you overheat it sans food. It's not likely, but it can happen! Plus, I've run through skillets like you wouldn't believe. Le Creuset ends all of this insanity. Plus, it's beautiful!
Presenting, exhibit 1:
My awesome fiancee got me my very first Le Creuset item for V-Day. You wouldn't think that this would be an ideal gift for a guy in his twenties, right? Well, for this guy, it was. I was bouncing off of the walls. I'm thrilled with it, and I'll probably be using this as long as I'm cooking. These suckers last.
And don't think this will be the last! My registry is chock-full of these, and I'll be supplementing my collection to fill in any gaps after the wedding.
Everyone has their thing! In my opinion, the quality and longevity makes this pay off in the long run. Now, I hope you feel this way about your insurance too, but I'll forgive you if you're not quite as obsessed as I am.
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