Wednesday, February 8, 2012

On Burgers

Sometimes when I get really hungry working in the deep, dark insurance mines, I daydream about food. A thought came to me earlier today: to me, one of the great, unappreciated forms of art is the hamburger. Yes, just about anyone can make one, but to make one WELL is the trick.

Is calling a burger a form of art a little much? Maybe, but consider the sheer variety in what you get when you talk about a hamburger. You could be talking about anything from a McDonald's Happy Meal cheeseburger to a Double Double from In-N-Out, to a local monstrosity like the Squeeze with cheese from The Squeeze Inn. The differences are vast!

Just this weekend, I visited a place called Nationwide Freezer Meats and I experienced one of the better burgers I've had in quite some time! The bun was delightfully toasted, the veggies solid, and the meat itself was incredibly tasty. It's the last part that makes me wonder about the term "art". I just couldn't put my finger on why it tasted so good. If given an exact method to recreate it, I somehow doubt it would be the same. Did it have something to do with the spices used? The seasoned grill? The quality of the meat? I'm not sure if' it's really any of those. It's that certain intangible quality of the burger that made it work, if you ask me.

So, work of art? Maybe you disagree, but think back to the last REALLY good burger you had. Put yourself in that moment and reconsider things. You may see things like a certain food-crazed insurance guy.

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