Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Food Insurance

If a thing so wonderous as "food insurance" existed, I would buy a truckload of it.

I'm always terrified that when I try creating a new dish, it will end horribly. I always fear the worst for whatever reason. So if this mythical "food insurance" existed, and I could pay to prevent my food from coming out as a wreck, I would do so pretty much every time.

Sadly, I just have to cross my fingers and hope. For example, this evening, I created my first pork roast! Things ended up pretty solid, but I was worried the whole way through. I still don't fully trust myself in the cooking world, I suppose. However, the pork ended up tasty and tender with a pretty good sear. I also went with a veggie/apple mix that was first sauteed, then baked with the roast. Some rosemary sprigs went on top to add a bit of flavor, and it all worked nicely.

So I guess I technically would have ended up over-insuring my food? It figures, given my profession and overall nervous tendencies when trying to make food I haven't made before. But oh, what I'd pay for that peace of mind.

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