Wednesday, July 20, 2011


It's interesting that even in the deep, dark insurance mines, people do really come to form a bit of a brotherhood. I'm sad to say that two of my long-time co-workers are co-workers no longer. It was probably for the best for them over the long run as I had a sense both wanted to go on to do different things, but when you spend 8+ hours per day, 5 days a week with the same people and then they're gone, it can be a bit rough.

Heck, these are people I'm planning to invite to my wedding. And, I mean, who do I drag out to weird lunch spots with me now?!

This does open the doors for others though, and in a tough economy, I'm sure people appreciate the chances. I just hope they're good, friendly folks who appreciate food from a truck, or my lunches are about the get lonely!

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