Thursday, July 14, 2011

Scary life insurance news

I try to stay away from the purely insurance related stuff on my blog, but something crossed my desk the other day that freaked me out a little bit.

Apparently, 10 of the largest life insurance companies are currently being investigated by the state of California for NOT paying out on death claims, even after they had received proof that the insured person was deceased. I haven't found out exactly how many of these companies have specific complaints filed and which are just being investigated, but still, scary stuff.

Thankfully, the company I work for was not under investigation, but still, it makes you think! Even if you have insurance, the fact that it might not pay out is freak-out worthy. Keep this in mind next time you price-shop insurance companies! It may seem like you're getting the same thing, and you may be paying less up front, but apparently, you get what you pay for. Yikes.

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