Friday, June 3, 2011

Just because you used to do that...

...doesn't mean it's the still the best fit! I find myself saying that pretty much every day. And really, it's a good thing to keep in mind for a lot of different things. For example, I used to eat terrible stuff. And I'd eat it ALL the time. A large pizza, all on my own, almost every weekend. Ultimate Bacon Cheeseburgers daily. Seriously, pretty much every day. If I did that now, I'd weigh 500+ pounds.

At some point, eating like that was no longer the best fit for me. Luckily, sanity prevailed and I actually eat pretty healthy stuff these days and I cook 4-5 days a week. BUT, if I kept assuming it was okay to stuff my face with the whole meat-cheese-cheese-meat-cheese deal, I'd be in trouble.


Oddly enough, though people will change diets when they need to, few people have the same mindset when it comes to insurance. People, you cannot assume that the same coverage you had when you were 19 still makes sense when you're 30 and you own a home! Things change, and so should your insurance. For example, if you have state minimum auto insurance liability coverage, you need to re-examine things if you buy a house. You have more to lose, so you need more financial coverage.

Stuff to keep in mind, folks!

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